02 August 2010

Strange photos

I had been concentrating on design of The Back House Press and then suddenly, or eventually, there arose the opportunity to take these photos...

I will reveal what they are in a few days.

Guesses welcome - use comment box!


Liz Argall said...

A curiously polished base of a bowl?

Dennis Argall said...

Very clever start point, almost got it, Liz!!

Dennis Argall said...

Thanks also for guesses by email:

It was indeed a base, Liz. I had been busy setting up www.backhousepress.blogspot.com last Saturday while a weary Helen slept and forgot that I had put on several litres of water in a saucepan with black insides. So that was what I found, the salt rime in a finally dry saucepan... You can see where the heat focus is from the solid iron cooktop. Different colours from the warm light above the stove or fluoro on kitchen ceiling, enhanced by Fujifilm S3 F2 setting.